
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My Farm-Raised Aussie Family: A Weekend in Photos

Side of the country-road photo op

My husband grew up on a potato farm. I grew up in the burbs. He actually attended a one room school house, the kind I only read stories about. Almost every school holiday, he and his siblings had to help out and work the farm. My only job at that age was to get good grades.

The farm hay shelter
This gives our relationship an interesting dynamic and together our memories cover a broad range of experience. I still ask him the question; "Wait, have you never heard of that (insert any 80's or 90's pop culture reference) because you are from Australia or because you grew up on a farm?" For a while there I thought hip hop music never made it's way over here because Matt did not know of The Notorious BIG.

So excited to see her beloved cows from the car window

I'm a city person at heart. I love the people-watching, the anonymity, the noise, the randomness. Looking at my hubs with his silver side-part, immaculate presentation, his beloved shoe collection and full wardrobe, you would never guess that he can drive a tractor, build a barn, or herd sheep (not 100 percent sure about that last one, I'll check with my father in law.) But that just adds to the richness of Matt's diversity, realism and work ethic.

Feeding the abandoned calf

If I'm being completely honest, when we have to pack up our toddler to head out into the middle of nowhere for a few days I always think about the million other things I could be doing. Every time we arrive however I am surprised by how stunning the place is, how inspiring. Maybe I couldn't live there full-time but spending a weekend with family in those surroundings is a gift.

Here are some photos I took last weekend on our visit.

A beautiful tree on my in-law's property
Farm equipment from a city girl perspective, I think they look like sculptures.

The next day we went to Uncle Mick's dairy farm and saw more calves and two-week-old piglets.

Enjoying the high view with tall, Uncle Shane

The family seems to be growing as quickly as the farm

The cutest!

Photo I snapped from the car on the way home with my iPhone
Do you prefer city, country, or someplace in-between?

Update: Matt informed me that he can indeed herd sheep (and cattle) but they call it 'rounding up' sheep and 'herding' cattle. He's not sure why. That's how they roll.


  1. Awesome display....looks like the Midwest

  2. The Midwest? Awesome. I've always been curious about that. Someday I'll cross one off my bucket list and drive across America.

  3. Looks like a wonderfully peaceful place. I love wide open spaces and whilst I was a girl of the 'burbs, I hope to become a woman of the countryside one day :)

    1. I've always been more of a beach person than a country person but I'm so glad I've been able to experience the farm because of my Aussie family. It's truly a special place. And the stars at night!! Unreal.

  4. Oh those piglets! Definitely a country girl. But after too long in the city I like city comforts too. So I would love a farm within a couple of hours drive from the city. Which is what my mother has, and we're trying to work out how it could work for us instead!!

    1. Oh the animals are my favorite part!! I would want to keep them all as pets. I've been known to cry when they lose baby lambs. I'm not tough enough for the country. ;)

  5. You could do an art exhibit on your photos of the farm. They are quite striking.

    1. What a nice compliment, thank you so much! I'm still getting used to my new camera, I feel like there is still a heck of a lot still to learn.
